Millers Pharmacy


MILLERS HISTORY Millers Homecare & Compounding Pharmacy is an authentic community pharmacy that has served the people of Northern New Jersey since 1929. The current owner, David Miller, is the grandson of the founder. Both of his parents and both grandfathers were pharmacists. The company has evolved from a local "corner drug store" into a comprehensive Homecare and Compounding Company offering the community a one-stop shop in which to find everything from your daily pharmacy needs to surgical supplies, brace and stocking fittings, ambulatory aids and assisted living products as well as a comprehensive Nutrition Center and state-of-the-art Compounding Laboratory specializing in compounded medications for both humans and animals. If you don’t see a product on our SHOP ONLINE page, give us a call or email us. We welcome special orders, particularly for hard-to-find items. With over 80 years of experience there is a good chance that someone on our staff will have seen it before or will have the knowledge needed to get it done the right way.


Store Hours: M-F: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Sat: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: (201) 891-3333
Fax: (201) 891-6258


678 Wyckoff Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ  07481
Mailing Address:
678 Wyckoff Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ  07481

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